Research Interest



χ12=1, θ1=10o, θ2=154o, Δφ=264o

The trajectories of three black-hole collisions with about 0.9 times the speed of light are shown here. The red trajectories show two holes colliding with small impact parameter. The holes quickly merge at the center. The blue trajectories show two black holes colliding with large impact parameter; the holes scatter but do not merge. The green trajectories show two black holes colliding with a nearly critical impact parameter they do not merge immediately, but loose enough energy to form a bound system and merge after a brief separation.

Gravitational waves emitted in the ``green'' case of the previous animation (what is shown is the so-called Newman-Penrose scalar, a measure for the gravitational waves. The very first burst is an artifact of the initial data and is not relevant for the analysis. The two following bursts correspond to the initial encounter and the ``delayed'' merger.

Talk AstroGR 2009



The background of my research interest in GR

Current Research: Black hole simulations

Previous Research