How does this conference work?

A quick tour through our website


The 13th International LISA Symposium is free, open to everyone, no matter who you are or where you are. You don't even have to register, but: we don't want this conference to be anonymous. So we highly encourage you to create a profile, show your face, tell everyone about your scientific interests, and add a way to contact you.

There are two parts to this conference: we have a three-day program with live presentations, and we have over 200 prerecorded talks that you can watch on-demand, any time you want. If you have a presentation listed for yourself, please make sure to add links to all contributors and related talks. This will help participants to discover other topics, and will make it easier to network with your colleagues and coworkers. In turn, you are able to check who visited your virtual conference room and listened to your presentation. That way you can contact people who may have missed your talk.

If you are looking for content to watch, there are a few highlight talks that you should definitely check out. You can find additional curated play lists in our agenda, or you can just search for keywords in our presentation overview. Don't forget to send a 'thumbs up' for the presenter as a thank-you note, and if you want to know more, don't be shy: our presenters will be notified by email about all questions and comments and will be happy to respond.

Questions are valuable feedback and can start some very interesting discussions. Most presenters also have uploaded additional slides if you are interested in details, or you can check the profile of the presenter and get in contact via email. This page also allows you to leave a comment or chat request directly below the profile. It is like meeting someone in a hallway: leave a compliment, ask how someone is doing, or check if they have a minute to talk. We offer private online meeting spaces from September 1st to 3rd via Zoom. You can ask the receptionist for a breakout room for a one-on-one meeting or a small group discussion any time during the LISA Symposium.

All live presentations are hosted directly on our website. Our agenda is shown in your local timezone. Just select a session and join a talk. You won't be able to engage with the presenter via audio, but: there is a live chat where you can communicate with the session chair and other participants in real time, and you can leave any questions or comments for the presenter in the feedback section (or up-vote questions from other participants). If time permits, questions will be answered live after the talk. If time is running short, we will make sure all questions will be answered once the session is over. When a presentation is finished, the website will ask you to follow the session to the next talk.

We will also record all live talks and ask the presenters for permission to upload everything after the LISA Symposium. That way you can rewatch talks and check out presentations you missed. However, many talks have expiration dates and will be deleted in September. So don't wait too long.

If you are looking for a good opportunity to directly talk to presenters or other participants, we got you covered: on Tuesday and Thursday we did set up Zoom rooms with specific themes where participants can meet to discuss topics such as cosmology, data analysis, fundamental physics, and education and outreach. Everyone is welcome to ask questions and lead discussions, and if necessary we can break the rooms up into smaller groups.

We have also set up a networking toolset. Are you looking for someone interested in software design? ... inflation? ... lasers? Someone who speaks Dutch, or Hindi? Just say hello. Or are you looking for a new PhD student and want to file a job listing? Or are you a PhD student and are looking for a postdoc position? Check out our job market. We hope that the tools we developed are helpful to interact with other participants.