LISA Acronyms
Taken from
- AC: Alternating Current
- ADC: Analog to Digital Converter
- AGN: Active Galactic Nuclei
- AIV: assembly, integration, and verification
- AIVT: assembly, integration, verification, and testing
- AIT: assembly, integration, and testing
- AK: "Analytic Kludge"
- AKE: attitude absolute knowledge
- AM~CVn: class of cataclysmic variable stars
- AMR: Anisotropic Magnetoresistors
- AO: Announcement of Opportunity
- AOCS: attitude and orbit control system
- AOM: acousto-optic modulator
- ASD: amplitude spectral density
- AST: autonomous star tracker
- ATA: Allen Telescope Array
- BAO: baryonic acoustic oscillation
- BB: Breadboard
- BBN: Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- BH: black hole
- BHB: black hole binary
- CAS: constellation acquisition sensor
- CBE: current best estimate
- CBOD: clamp band opening device
- CCD: charge-coupled device
- CCU: caging control unit
- CDF: Concurrent Design Facility
- CDM: cold dark matter
- CFRP: carbon fibre reinforced plastic
- CM: caging mechanism
- CMM: coordinate measuring machine
- CMS: charge management system
- CMNT: colloid micro-newton thruster
- CMB: cosmic microwave background
- CNES: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
- COBE: COsmic Background Explorer
- CoM: centre of mass
- COMBO: Classifying Objects by Medium-Band Observations
- COSMOS: Cosmic Evolution Survey
- CQP: calibrated quadrant photodiode pair
- COTS: commercial off the shelf
- CTE: coefficient of thermal expansion
- CTP: core technology program
- CVM: Caging and venting mechanism
- DA] {Data Analysis
- D/A: digital-to-analogue converter
- DCC: Data Computing Center
- DCCs: Data Computing Centers
- DDE: diagnostics drive electronics
- DDPC: Distributed Data Processing Centre
- DEEP2: Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe 2
- DF: drag-free
- DFACS: Drag-Free Attitude Control System
- DOF: degree of freedom
- DMU: Data Management Unit
- DMS: Document Management System
- DP: diagnostic package
- DPC: Data Processing Centre
- DPLL: digital phase locked loop
- DRS: disturbance reduction system
- Daughter-S/C: "Daughter" spacecraft
- DS: Diagnostics Subsystem
- DSN: Deep Space Network
- DTM: deterministic transfer manoeuvre
- DWS: differential wavefront sensing
- E2E: End-to-End
- EBB: Elegant Breadboard
- EELV: evolved expendable launch vehicle
- EGAPS: European Galactic Plane Surveys
- EH: Electrode housing
- ELV: expendable launch vehicle
- EM: electro-magnetic
- EMRI: extreme mass-ratio inspiral
- EOL: end-of-life
- EoM: Equations of Motion
- EOM: electro-optical modulator
- EPS: extended Press-Schechter formalism
- EQM: Engineering and Qualification Model
- ESA: European Space Agency
- ESAC: European Space Astronomy Centre in Madrid, Spain
- ESOC: European Space Operations Centre
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
- FBD: Functional Block Diagram
- FDIR: Failure Detection, Isolation, and Recovery
- FE: finite-element (methods)
- FEE: front-end electronics
- FEEP: field-emission electric propulsion
- FEE SAU: front-end electronics sensing and actuation unit
- FF-OGSE: Far-Field Optical Ground Support Equipment}
- FITS: Flexible Image Transport System
- FIOS: Fibre Injector Optical Subassembly
- FM: Flight Model
- FOH: Fibre Optic Harness
- FSU: fibre switching unit
- FSUA: fibre switching unit assembly
- FPAG: Fundamental Physics Advisory Group
- FPGA: field-programmable gate array
- FR: laser frequency reference
- FS: frequency separated
- FDS: Frequency Distribution System
- GBs: Galactic Binaries
- GCR: Galactic Cosmic Ray
- GRACE-FO: Gravity Recovery and Climate Explorer Follow On
- GPRM: Grabbing Positioning Release Mechanism
- GR: General Theory of Relativity
- GRS: Gravitational Reference Sensor
- GS: Ground Station
- GSE: Ground Support Equipment
- GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center
- GTO: Geostationary Transfer Orbit
- GR740: The ESA Next Generation Microprocessor (NGMP)
- GW: Gravitational Wave
- HDF: Hierarchical Data Format
- HDRM: Hold Down and Release Mechanism
- HETO: Heliocentric Earth Trailing Orbit
- Hg: mercury
- HGA: high-gain antenna
- HR: High Resolution
- HST: Hubble Space Telescope
- IA: Instrument Amplifier
- IAAS: Infrastructure As A Service
- IBM: Internal Balance Mass
- IDL: Interferometer Data Log
- I/F: interface
- IFO: Interferometer
- IFP: In-Field Pointing
- IGM: inter-galactic medium
- IMA: Integrated Modular Avionics
- IMBH: Intermediate Mass Black Hole
- IMF: initial mass function
- IMRI: intermediate mass-ratio inspiral
- IMS: interferometric measurement system
- IN2P3: National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
- IOCR: in-orbit commissioning review
- IOT: Instrument Operations Team
- ISH: Inertial Sensor Head
- ISM: instrument sensitivity model
- ISUK: Inertial Sensor UV Kit
- IT: Information Technology
- JILA: Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
- JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- JWST: James Webb Space Telescope
- KSC: Kennedy Space Center
- LA: Laser Assembly
- LAGOS: Laser Antenna for Gravitational-radiation Observation in Space
- LCA: LISA Core Assembly
- LCM: NGO launch composite
- LDC: LISA Data Challenge
- LDP: LISA Data Processing
- LDPG: LISA Data Processing Group
- LED: light-emitting diode
- LEM: Laser Electrical Module
- LEOP: Launch and Early Operations Phase
- LGA: low-gain antenna
- LIG: LISA Instrument Group
- LIGO: Laser Interferemeter Gravitational Wave Observatory
- LISA: Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
- LIST: LISA International Science Team
- LLD: launch lock device
- LMC: Large Magellanic Cloud
- LMF: LISA mission formulation study
- LoA: Letter of Agreement
- LOM: Laser Optical Module
- LOS: line of sight
- LPF: LISA Pathfinder
- LPS: Laser Pre-stabilization System
- LTPDA: LISA Technology Package Data Analysis
- LH: Laser Head
- LO: Local Oscillator
- LRI: Laser Ranging Instrument (on GRACE-FO)
- LS: laser system
- LSG: LISA Science Group
- LSO: last stable orbit
- LSST: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
- LTP: LISA Technology Package
- LVA: launch vehicle adaptor
- MAXI: Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image
- MBH: Massive Black Hole
- MBHB: Massive Black Hole Binary
- MCMC: Markov-chain Monte Carlo
- MEOP: maximum expected operating pressure
- MGSE: Mechanical Ground Support Equipment
- MLA: Multi-lateral agreement
- MLB: motorised light band
- MLDC: Mock LISA Data Challenge
- MLI: multi layer insulation
- MMH: monomethyl hydrazine
- MO: Maser Oscillator
- MOC: Mission Operation Centre
- MON-3: mixed oxides of nitrogen with 3% nitric oxide
- MOSA: Moving Optical Sub-Assembly
- MoU: Memorandum of Understanding
- LISA-MRD-001: Mission Requirement Document
- Mother-S/C: "Mother" spacecraft
- MSS: MOSA Support Structure
- NASA: National Aeronautic and Space Administration
- NGO: New Gravitational wave Observatory
- NPRO: non-planar ring oscillator
- NTC: Negative Temperature Coefficient
- NR: numerical relativity
- NGMP: Next Generation Micro Processor
- OAS: optical assembly subsystem
- OATM: Optical Assembly Tracking Mechanism
- OAM: optical assembly mechanics
- OB: Optical Bench
- OBA: Optical Bench Assembly
- OBC: on-board computer
- OGSE: Optical Ground Support Equipment
- OMS: Optical Metrology System
- ORO: optical read-out
- OT: optical truss
- PA: power amplifier
- PA: Product Assurance
- PAA: point-ahead angle
- PAAM: point-ahead angle mechanism
- Pan-Starrs: the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System
- PCU: power conditioning unit
- PCDU: power control and distribution unit
- PCP: Payload Commanding and Processing
- PCP-GSE: Payload Commanding and Processing Ground Support Equipment
- PCS: payload control subsystem
- PDD: payload description document
- PDF: probability density function
- PDH: Pound Drever Hall
- PD: photo diode
- PDS: photo detector system
- PLL: phase-locked loop
- P/L: payload
- P/M: propulsion module
- PM: Phasemeter
- PMF: Polarization-Maintaining Fibre
- PMFDE: phase meter frequency distribution electronics
- PMFEE: phase meter front-end electronics
- PMDSP: phase meter digital signal processor
- PMS: Phase Measurement Subsystem
- PN: post-Newtonian
- PRN: pseudo-random noise, emph{often} pseudo-noise
- PRDS: Phase Reference Distribution System
- PRDS-OGSE: Phase Reference Distribution System - Optical Ground Support Equipment
- PRT: Platinum Resistance Thermometers
- PSD: Power Spectral Density
- PSF: point-spread function
- PTF: Palomar Transient Factory
- QA: Quality Assurance
- QM: Qualification Model
- QNM: quasi-normal mode
- QPD: quadrant photodetector
- QSO: quasi-stellar object
- RATS: Rapid Time Survey
- REF: reference
- RF: radio frequency
- RIN: Relative Intensity Noise
- RIT: Radio-frequency Ion Thruster
- RM: Radiation Monitor
- RMS: root mean square
- RSS: root sum square
- RTOS: Real Time Operating System
- RXTE: Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
- RX: received signal
- S/C: spacecraft
- S/S: subsystem
- S/C-P/M: spacecraft/propulsion-module
- SAU: sensing and actuation unit
- LISA-ScRD-004: Science Requirement Document
- SCOE: Special Check Out Equipment
- SEP: Solar Energetic Particle
- SEPD: single-element photo diode
- SIM: Space Interferometry Mission
- SIRD: Science Implementation Requirement Document
- SIP: Science Implementation Plan
- SIPs: Science Implementation Plans
- SISO: single input/single output
- SDP: system data pool
- SDSS: Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SGS: Science Ground Segment
- SGWB: Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background
- SMF: Single Mode Fiber
- SQUID: Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
- SMBH: super-massive black hole
- SMC: Small Magellanic Cloud
- SMP: Science Management Plan
- SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- SOBHB: Stellar Origin Black Hole Binary
- SOCD: Science Operations Concept Document
- SPC: Science Programme Committee
- STM: Structural and Thermal Model
- SBCC: Single Board Computer Core
- SAVOIR: Space AVionics Open Interface aRchitecture
- SOAD: Science Operations Assumptions Document
- SOC: Science Operation Centre
- SOVT: Science Operations Verifications Tests
- SRP: solar radiation pressure
- SSB: Solar System barycenter
- SST: Science Study Team
- STR: Coarse Star Tracker
- SWT: Science Working Team
- TBC: to be confirmed
- TBD: to be determined
- TC: Telecommand
- TCM: trajectory correction manoeuvre
- TC/TM: telecommand/telemetry
- TCLS: Triple Core LockStep
- TDI: Time Delay Interferometry
- TM: test mass, emph{often proof mass}
- TECC: Transient Event Coordination Committee
- TM-OGSE: Test-Mass Optical Ground Equipment
- TNO: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- TOBA: Telescope and Optical Bench Assembly
- TOGA: Telescope, Optical bench and Gravitational reference sensor Assembly
- TSP: Temporal and Spatial Partitioning
- TP: Telescope Pointing
- TRL: Technology Readiness Level
- TRP: temperature reference points
- TS: Telescope
- TT&C: telemetry, tracking, and command
- TTL: Tilt-To-Length
- TWTA: traveling-wave tube amplifier
- TX: transmit signal
- USO: ultra-stable oscillator
- UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
- ULU: UV light unit
- UV: ultra-violet
- VAST: Variables and Slow Transients, An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients is a Survey Science Project for the Australian SKA Pathfinder
- VB: Verification Binary
- VC: Vacuum Chamber
- VMS: very massive star
- WG: Working Group
- WMAP: Wilkison Microwave Anisotropy Probe
- WP: Work Package
- WPs: Work Packages
- WR: Wide Range
- XML: Extensible Markup Language