% Example compile-time options: % (HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS is optional, replace with your % choice of hydro/mhd options) % % HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS % BOX_PERIODIC % EOS_GAMMA=(5.0/3.0) % % Also the parameters below are usually recommended (but not necessary) % % PMGRID=256 % MULTIPLEDOMAINS=16 % ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS % InitCondFile zeldovich_ics OutputDir output TimeBegin 0.00990099 TimeMax 1 ComovingIntegrationOn 1 Omega_Matter 1 Omega_Lambda 0 Omega_Baryon 1 HubbleParam 1 BoxSize 64000 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.00990099 ScaleFac_Between_Snapshots 1.05 MaxSizeTimestep 0.01 DesNumNgb 32 UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e+21 UnitMass_in_g 1.989e+43 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 SofteningGas 100 % adjust me depending on adaptive softenings! Softening_Type1 0 % no DM (OmegaBaryon=1); otherwise set this! Softening_Type2 0 % no type-2 particles Softening_Type3 0 % no type-3 particles Softening_Type4 0 % no type-4 particles Softening_Type5 0 % no type-5 particles SofteningGasMaxPhys 100 % adjust me depending on adaptive softenings! Softening_Type1_MaxPhysLimit 0 Softening_Type2_MaxPhysLimit 0 Softening_Type3_MaxPhysLimit 0 Softening_Type4_MaxPhysLimit 0 Softening_Type5_MaxPhysLimit 0 MinGasTemp 0.001 % -- optional numerical parameters (requires additional Config flags) CourantFac 0.2 ArtCondConstant 0.25 ViscosityAMin 0.025 ViscosityAMax 2 MinGasHsmlFractional 1