% Example compile-time options: % (HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS is optional, replace with your % choice of hydro/mhd options) % % HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS % BOX_SPATIAL_DIMENSION=2 % SELFGRAVITY_OFF % GRAVITY_ANALYTIC % EOS_GAMMA=(7.0/5.0) % ENERGY_ENTROPY_SWITCH_IS_ACTIVE % % Make sure you go into the file gravity/analytic_gravity.h and un-comment the line: % % //GravAccel_KeplerianTestProblem(); // keplerian disk with boundaries for test problem % % within the routine “add_analytic_gravitational_forces”. Otherwise the code won’t know % what to use for the analytic gravitational forces. % % InitCondFile keplerian_ics OutputDir output TimeMax 10 BoxSize 8 TimeBetSnapshot 2.5 MaxSizeTimestep 0.1 DesNumNgb 20 % -- optional numerical parameters (requires additional Config flags) ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.002 CourantFac 0.025 MaxRMSDisplacementFac 0.125 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand dummy TimeBetStatistics 1e10 ErrTolTheta 0.5 ErrTolForceAcc 0.001 MaxNumNgbDeviation 0.01