% Example compile-time options: % (HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS and most other % choices below are optional, replace with your % choice of hydro/mhd options). Here are some example of possible flags: % % HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS % COOLING % MULTIPLEDOMAINS=64 % ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS % METALS % GALSF % % and e.g. flags like: % GALSF_SFR_MOLECULAR_CRITERION % GALSF_SFR_VIRIAL_SF_CRITERION=0 % % and/or: % GALSF_EFFECTIVE_EQS % GALSF_SUBGRID_WINDS % % you should see the users guide - there are many combinations of % parameters (of varying degrees of complexity) you can enable. % These are just examples, not even necessarily intended to be % run together, just given for examples. be sure to set appropriate % parameters below, e.g. set the correct force softening parameters % depending on whether you use adaptive force softening or not! % % for the version of this problem with MHD, additionally enable: % MAGNETIC % MHD_B_SET_IN_PARAMS % and set Bini as below. You may want to experiment with % setting MHD_CONSTRAINED_GRADIENT=1 as well. % %---- Relevant files InitCondFile isodisk_ics OutputDir output %---- Output frequency TimeBetSnapshot 0.01 %---- Characteristics of run TimeBegin 0.0 % Beginning of the simulation TimeMax 1.0 % End of the simulation %---- Accuracy of time integration MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 % in code units, set for your problem %---- Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.1 % 0.0005-0.05, dept on core+particle number %----- Memory allocation PartAllocFactor 5.0 % memory load allowed (ratio of element number to mean) for better cpu balance [Default=2] %---- System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21 % 1.0 kpc/h UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 % 1.0e10 solar masses/h UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1.0e5 % 1 km/sec UnitMagneticField_in_gauss 1.0 % 1 gauss %---- Initial temperature & temperature floor MinGasTemp 10. % don't set <10 in explicit feedback runs, otherwise 0 %---- Density/volume estimation (kernel) DesNumNgb 32 % 32 for standard kernel, 60-114 for quintic %---- Gravitational softening lengths %----- Softening lengths per particle type. If ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT is set, these %-------- are the minimum softening allowed for each type ------- %-------- (units are co-moving for cosmological integrations) SofteningGas 1.0e-4 % gas (type=0) (in units above, =1 pc softening) [make ~10pc for fixed softening] SofteningHalo 0.050 % dark matter/collisionless particles (type=1) SofteningDisk 0.020 % collisionless particles (type=2) SofteningBulge 0.020 % collisionless particles (type=3) SofteningStars 0.005 % stars spawned from gas (type=4) SofteningBndry 0.005 % black holes (if active), or collisionless (type=5) %----- parameters for adaptive gravitational softening AGS_DesNumNgb 32 % neighbor number for calculating adaptive gravsoft %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------- Physics Modules ---------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------ Additional Fluid Physics ---------------- %------------------------------------------------------------ %---- Magneto-Hydrodynamics Parameters (MAGNETIC on) %--- Initial B-Field Strengths (if MHD_B_SET_IN_PARAMS on, otherwise read from IC file) BiniX 1.0e-8 % initial B_x, in code units BiniY 1.0e-8 % initial B_y, in code units BiniZ 1.0e-6 % initial B_z, in code units %---- Thermal Conduction (CONDUCTION on) %--- set coefficient kappa [code units] or, if CONDUCTION_SPITZER on, multiplies value ConductionCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply conduction coefficient %---- Navier-Stokes Viscosity (VISCOSITY on) %--- set coefficients eta,zeta [code units] or, if VISCOSITY_BRAGINSKII on, multiplies value ShearViscosityCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply shear viscosity coefficient BulkViscosityCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply bulk viscosity coefficient %---- Turbulent Diffusion Top-level Switch (TURB_DIFFUSION on) TurbDiffusionCoefficient 1.0 % Normalizes diffusion rates relative to Smagorinsky-Lilly theory (~0.5-2) %--- Cosmic Ray + Gas Fluids (COSMIC_RAY_FLUID) CosmicRayDiffusionCoeff 690 % diffusion coefficient of the single-bin CR model, or normalization for spectral fit (for ~GeV CRs) in code units %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------ Star, Black Hole, and Galaxy Formation --------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---- Star Formation parameters (GALSF on) CritPhysDensity 10. % critical physical density for star formation (cm^(-3)) SfEffPerFreeFall 1.0 % SFR/(Mgas/tfreefall) for gas which meets SF criteria %---- sub-grid (Springel+Hernquist/GADGET/AREPO) "effective equation of state" %------- star formation+feedback model (GALSF_EFFECTIVE_EQS on) MaxSfrTimescale 4.0 % code units (SF timescale at 2-phase threshold) TempSupernova 3.0e8 % in Kelvin (temp of hot gas in 2-phase model) TempClouds 1000.0 % in Kelvin (temp of cold gas in 2-phase model) FactorSN 0.1 % SNe coupling frac (frac of egy retained in hot) FactorEVP 3000.0 % controls Kennicutt normalization FactorForSofterEQS 1.0 % interpolate between 'stiff' and isothermal EOS %------- the sub-grid "decoupled winds" model (GALSF_SUBGRID_WINDS on) WindEfficiency 2.0 % mass-loading (Mdot_wind = SFR * WindEfficiency) WindEnergyFraction 0.06 % fraction of SNe energy in winds (sets velocity) WindFreeTravelMaxTime 0.1 % 'free-stream time' in units of t_Hubble(z) WindFreeTravelDensFac 0.1 % 'free-stream' until density < this * CritPhysDensity %------- alternative winds (set GALSF_SUBGRID_WIND_SCALING == 1 or 2) %------- (scaling with local dark matter properties, as Dave/Oppenheimer/Mannucci/Illustris) VariableWindVelFactor 1.0 % wind velocity relative to estimated halo v_escape VariableWindSpecMomentum 5000. % wind momentum per unit stellar mass (code velocity units) %-------------- Black Hole accretion & formation (BLACK_HOLES on) %--- formation/seeding MinFoFMassForNewSeed 10. % log(M_stars) for on-the-fly FoF seeding TimeBetOnTheFlyFoF 200000 % time (in sec) between FoF searches SeedBlackHoleMass 1.0e-7 % initial mass (on-the-fly or single galaxy) %--- accretion BlackHoleAccretionFactor 1.0 % multiplier for mdot BlackHoleEddingtonFactor 1.0 % fraction of eddington to cap (can be >1) BlackHoleNgbFactor 3.0 % multiplier for kernel neighbors for BH BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius 0.02 % max radius for BH neighbor search/accretion BlackHoleRadiativeEfficiency 0.1 % radiative efficiency %--- feedback BlackHoleFeedbackFactor 1.0 % generic feedback strength multiplier BH_Rad_MomentumFactor 1.0 % multiply radiation pressure (BH_PHOTONMOMENTUM) BAL_f_accretion 0.5 % fraction of gas swallowed by BH (BH_BAL_WINDS) BAL_v_outflow 30000 % velocity (code units) of BAL outflow (BH_BAL_WINDS) %-------------- Grackle UVB file (GRACKLE on) GrackleDataFile CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5