% Example compile-time options: % (HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS is optional, replace with your % choice of hydro/mhd options) % % HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS % BOX_PERIODIC % BOX_SPATIAL_DIMENSION=2 % MAGNETIC % SELFGRAVITY_OFF % % Note this problem has a few different ICs, as described in the user guide: % currentsheet_A0pt1_b0pt1_ics, currentsheet_A0pt1_b1em12_ics, % and currentsheet_A1e4_b0pt1_ics % InitCondFile currentsheet_A0pt1_b0pt1_ics % choose OutputDir output TimeMax 0.1 BoxSize 1 TimeBetSnapshot 1 MaxSizeTimestep 1e-05 DesNumNgb 16 % -- optional numerical parameters (requires additional Config flags) CourantFac 0.1