% Example compile-time options: % (HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS is optional, replace with your % choice of hydro/mhd options) % % HYDRO_MESHLESS_FINITE_MASS % BOX_PERIODIC % EOS_GAMMA=(5.0/3.0) % EOS_ENFORCE_ADIABAT=(1.0) % GRAVITY_NOT_PERIODIC % MAGNETIC % MHD_B_SET_IN_PARAMS % % strongly recommended, but not strictly required: % % MULTIPLEDOMAINS=16 % ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS % % the initial field value is set by BiniZ below. For the default % value given, this corresponds to the mu=10 simulations % in the methods paper. These runs use ~64^3 total particles, with % ~50^3 in the initial spherical region which will collapse (the rest % are effectively 'boundary zone' particles) % % The test problems in the paper require a special (non-standard) equation % of state, which is not simply set by a code flag. To enable this for a % proper comparison, you must change one line of the source code before % compilation. In the file "eos.c", find the lines: % % #ifdef EOS_ENFORCE_ADIABAT % press = EOS_ENFORCE_ADIABAT * pow(SphP[i].Density, GAMMA); % #endif % % Obviously, this line enforces a typical adiabatic equation of state. % We just need to replace this particular press = .... line with the following: % % #ifdef EOS_ENFORCE_ADIABAT % press = 0.04*SphP[i].Density*sqrt(1.+pow(SphP[i].Density/1.47705e8 ,4./3.)); % #endif % % This will use the specific barytropic equation of state from the paper, instead. % Note that this is hard-coded to a certain assumed set of units (corresponding % to the example choices below). % % InitCondFile core_ics OutputDir output TimeMax 0.25 BoxSize 0.15 TimeBetSnapshot 0.001 DesNumNgb 32 BiniX 0 BiniY 0 BiniZ 6.1019e-05 % initial field strength UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e+18 UnitMass_in_g 1.9891e+33 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 UnitMagneticField_in_gauss 1 SofteningGas 5e-6 Softening_Type1 5e-6 Softening_Type2 5e-6 Softening_Type3 5e-6 Softening_Type4 5e-6 Softening_Type5 5e-6 % -- optional parameters - speed up the test with bigger steps, but maybe bigger errors MaxSizeTimestep 5e-05 MaxHsml 100